GDPG科研 Global Digital Platform Governance


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Recent technological development has transformed the industrial structure through modulization, softwarization, and networking of multiple industries. Particularly, business activities conducted through digital platforms offered by a provider—internet auctions, services of flea market applications, and activities enabled by the sharing economy—are highly significant. Furthermore, cross-border development of such electronic transactions through digital platforms is expected, since information can cross borders easily on the Internet. However, there are some challenges. To realize economic policies such as market and consumer protection, and social policies such as personal data protection, states should advance the following measures: the extraterritorial application of their regulations and coordination among these regulations; bilateral or multilateral cooperation among states regarding the enforcement of regulations; and the use of soft-law regulatory instruments, such as the recommendations and guidelines established by international and non-governmental organizations. Moreover, when cross-border civil disputes arise out of these transactions, effective redress should be provided for victims, particularly for consumers.

This research project aims to establish a regulatory framework corresponding to the cross-border nature of transactions through digital platforms.

DPT Digital Platform Transactions