GDPG科研 Global Digital Platform Governance


特別講義・Special Lecture of Professor Alain Strowel on “EU data regulation in relation to AI and IoT: How to balance the new access rights with intellectual property?” at Keio University



A special lecture (hybrid) by Professor Alain Strowel on “EU data regulation in relation to AI and IoT: How to balance the new access rights with intellectual property?” took place at Open lab, 4F, Mita Campus, Keio University, on May 23 (Thursday). 

Moderator: Professor Dai Yokomizo.


Speaker, Professor Alain Strowel (Professor at UCLouvain, Munich IP Law Center and University of Alicante (IP Master) gave a special lecture on issues of EU data regulation concerning AI and IoT (Internet of Things). The lecture focused on issues related to data regulation. In particular, the lecture touched upon issues, related to AI with the renewed debate on text and data mining; and issues, related to IoT with the Data Act and the new data access rights. The lecture was followed by an engaged discussion of the issues related to AI, as well as issues related to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and data protection.


The lecture was followed by a workshop on May 27 (Monday) at Nagoya University Graduate School of Law. These events confirmed the potential for joint research on digital platforms in the future. 


 2024年5月23日(木)、Alain Strowel教授の「EU data regulation in relation to AI and IoT: How to balance the new access rights with intellectual property?」と題した特別講義が開催されました。

モデレータ: 横溝大教授


 ルーヴァン・カトリック大学のAlain Strowel教授は、AIとIoT(モノのインターネット)に関するEUデータ規制の問題について講義を行いました。この特別講義では、データ規制に関連する次の問題に焦点を当てました。AIに関連してテキストとデータマイニングに関する新たな議論、IoTに関連してデータ法(Data Act)と新しいデータアクセス権について取り上げました。講義の後、AIに関連する問題やGDPR(一般データ保護規則)とデータ保護に関する問題について活発な議論が行われました。
